
Showing 10 of 35 Results

High Ratio Mortgages: Advantages and Risks

High ratio mortgages have surfaced as a valuable financing option for aspiring homeowners. These mortgages allow buyers to secure a home loan with a down payment of less than 20% […]

Multiple Collateral Mortgages Insight

Multiple collateral mortgages are best for borrowers who are encountering a difficult situation in improving their existing home equity for a loan and for lenders seeking increased financial security.From the […]

Impact of Location on Mortgage Rates

Various variables affect your mortgage rates in Canada. It can be your credit score, your payment amount, debt-to-income ratio. But one factor is often overlooked by the buyers that significantly […]

What is Mortgage Porting?

If you want to buy a new property but still have a mortgage on your current home, mortgage porting may be your best choice. This article will dive deeper into […]

Foreign Buyers’ Impact on Canadian Mortgage Market

Regarding the housing market in Canada, foreign buyers on Canadian mortgage have been a topic of discussion for a long time. With their critical ventures and acquisition of properties, numerous […]

The Importance of Building Home Equity in Canada

Importance of Building Home Equity A Canadian mortgage is a loan used to purchase or refinance a property in Canada. The borrower makes regular payments to the lender, typically including […]