Short Sale: Definition, Seller and the Process

With constant asking for help and assistance from people who need more knowledge and information about the ideal homeownership and homebuying, it is genuinely a complex idea. More than that, the natural buying procedure is one of the familiar yet applicable ways for most people today. But what can you do if you are still incapable of homeownership with the ideal property you have in mind? You can rely on the short sale explained details that this blog will bring you. 

Short Sale Explanation

A short sale is usually another option for a homeowner who still needs to pay his mortgage with his lender. Because of distress and lack of support, it is hard to fulfil the payments, especially for homeownership.

With the shortcomings occurring for homeowners, asking what a short sale in Canada might be helpful for them to distinguish another solution, to begin with. With the short sale explained by different lenders, assistance in dealing with that matter became more accessible for you as a seller. 

How Does a Short Sale Work?

As this option continues to become one of the appropriate help for homeowners, they also tend to ask how does a real estate short sale work, especially in this modern world. 

With the distressed homeowner really getting into a short sale explained procedure, he generally stays in the home during the short sale procedure. However, upon being present in the short sale process, there may be restrictions and limitations that anyone may go through to purchase another home immediately.

Other than a short sale, there is also a procedure that lets you walk away from your home as the lender or the bank seizes the house after the borrower fails to make payments. Unlike the short sale explained process, it is initiated by the lender alone and can also serve as the last option for the lender to decide. 

Unlike foreclosure, which will let you have the declaration of bankruptcy, it is also natural for a short sale to be labour-intensive. It will generally involve you to have extra work so that you can prove that you’re worthy of the short sale. 

Moreover, there are less drastic alternatives that a short sale may include, wherein loan modification or the use of private mortgage insurance are available. 

The Short Sale Process

Most people are convinced to have the short sale procedure as they are also asking the questions such as what is a short sale in CanadaThey are now looking forward to knowing the actual process of the short sale. 

Here are the steps you may need to correctly pull off the short sale explained procedure. 

1. Convince the Lender

Before the short sale procedure, distressed homeowners must work closely with the lender, who will determine whether to consider their short sale application. Moreover, the lender is not required to cooperate or help the borrower work through the short sale process. 

To be accepted, the financial struggle must be new, such as a health problem, loss of job, or divorce. Reasons not included in the things mentioned above, such as not disclosing some issue before the loan application, will not be disregarded and will not be considered acceptable reasons. 

With instances like this, the lender is expected to not show any sympathetic attitude toward a dishonest borrower. Yet, suppose you are a victim of predatory lending practices. In that case, you can talk the lender into a short sale even if you have not had any significant financial disaster since purchasing the home. 

By keeping yourself to have a promising yet convincing position for a lender to accept your proposal, stop purchasing non-necessities. It can help you convince your lender when it reviews your submission.

If the first decision-maker didn’t like what you said, you could try another one the other day to see a different answer from a different lender. If the lender is now willing to consider a short sale, then you’re ready to create the short-sale proposal and find the buyer on your own. 

2. Consult Professionals

If you still need the approval, then it is best to consult a professional now. With this, you may consult an attorney, a tax professional and a real estate agent. As these professionals provide a high quality of work simultaneously, it is only certain that they also have a higher fee to offer.

It may be a complex issue or concern when you have a short-sale transaction. Moreover, it may lead you to more complex and more extensive financial trouble along the way. 

In the end, these professionals who are professional enough in dealing with short-sale transactions will be able to give you more guidance than ever on how to pay them accordingly. 

3. Set a Price

When setting a price, it is best to prioritise the amount of money, which will be the most significant factor in selling the property. In addition, the homeowner or seller must be able to sell the home for as close to the value of the mortgage as possible. 

4. Gather the Documents and Find a Buyer

After setting the designated price for your home, it is time to gather the documents you need to prove your financial hardship to the lender. It may include bank statements, medical bills, pay stubs, a termination notice from your former job or a divorce decree.

Be aware that the lender must approve the short sale after receiving all the details because the lender gets the proceeds. Yet, your whole job refers to finding a buyer for your home.

5. Submit your Proposal to the Bank

Once you find a buyer and prepare the necessary paperwork, you can submit the buyer’s offer and your proposal to the bank. 

Along with the documents you have within the distressed financial status, your proposal may also include a hardship letter explaining the circumstances preventing you from making your mortgage payments. It is best to have the most convincing and protect your interest while also appealing to the bank.

Upon submitting your financial information to the lender, you must be careful, as the bank may not approve of it. If you fall through, the buyer may find another property while waiting for your answer.

It is best for you to be ready and prepared for these possibilities. If the short sale transaction goes through, consult with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to see if you will have to pay taxes on the shortfall. 


Having the short sale procedure is one of the great ways to lessen the burden of any homeowner who falls short in terms of paying back the mortgage. Despite the financial goodness it may bring you, it may still affect your credit score.

Moreover, if you still have cash assets, you are to use them to continue making mortgage payments or make up for the shortfall between the sale price and the mortgage amount. 

It is popular that having a short-sale transaction takes a long time to process. The bank still has the position to decide what to report. Thus, it is in your league to work best in your interest and convince them not to write your defaulted payments. 

If you are looking for a professional mortgage agent who can help you with your short sale process and other issues, such as how a real estate short sale work, you can reach out to Private Mortgage Canada and ask for further assistance with your current documentation. 

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